Wednesday, May 7, 2008


It's been a week! Sadly it's only Wednesday so there is more to go. Not too bad of a week really. Reorganized our entire house. We have a 3 bedroom with 2 kids, 2 adults, 2 computers and a cat. We were sharing a room with our son, and the computers had their own room. Well, he's ready for his own room now, which means the computers had to find new homes. And the computers had the larger of the two rooms, so our daughter got their old room. Son got her old room! The plus side to reorganizing as well as gaining our own room back, I had a chance to put all my supplies in the same place!

It was good timing overall. The week will continue to be busy. I have a baby blanket to finish as well as Mother's Day presents for my own Moms. Oh and chemo starts this week. Between my husband and I, we have a doctors appointment each day the rest of this week! Today, his port, Friday his chemo starts. Thursday a teeth cleaning for me. Will have to drop off the bags of clothes and stuff we pulled out for Goodwill during the reorganization. Always nice to feel like the house is a bit decluttered!

On a completely different note, wanted to share this picture a friend sent me. It's from the website Looking at it though... wouldn't it be great to just hold the sun up a little bit longer to add to the hours in the day? This one is my favorite shot.

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